

-What do you mean you’re in jail ?!

I heard my mum’s high-pitched voice coming from the kitchen.

-How on Earth should I find that much money in 2 hours ?! You’re insane.

She slammed the phone down loudly and started swearing.

-What did he do now ?- I asked as if we were talking about the weather and not my little brother being in jail.

-Ah god knows what. Alcohol,drugs,whores.. Frankly, I didn’t even dare ask. That little brat is going to be the death of me.

I wasn’t very surprised by her indifferent tone and calm behaviour as she was lighting another cigarette and looking for the bottle of whiskey. Her lack of interest in her own children never failed to amuse me.

-So you’re gonna go and get him,right ?

-Ah,but darling I have a meeting with Roger in half an hour and you know how important that might be for my promotion.-she put some red lipstick on her full lips and it seemed like she had already forgotten that tiny,little detail about Daniel being arrested. -And besides,I couldn’t possibly find the money for the bail in such short notice.He’ll be fine,it’s just one night in the prison for fuck’s sake.It’ll teach him a good lesson.

After she had done her make up she blew me an air kiss and walked out of the door.

Unbelievable. Though,nothing could amaze me in this family anymore.With a constantly drunk father, mother whore and a brother criminal, I often wondered how did I turn up to be normal.

After I made sure all my credit cards were in place,I fetched the car keys and set off to,once again, rescue my little brother.