The smiling cat 

Can I be a cat like you?– asked the little girl curiously.

Of course darling.You can be whoever your wanna be, answered the smiling cat, you just need to want it hard enough.

I wanna be a cat! I wanna be a shiny black cat with green eyes. Eyes greener than the grass! – the little girl screamed as tiny and furry little ears appeared on her head. Her soft skin turned all black and hairy, and her eyes became greener than the summer grass.

But the world seems so big when you are a tiny little cat.. I don’t think I like it. 

The big cat smiled again. –The world is big for little girls as well. 

Then maybe I should be something bigger! Something fearless! I want to be a lion!

The little cat was now gone and in its place a big and fearless lion stood proudly.

Now i am the king of the jungle, the king of all the animals. The king of the world!

The cat smiled. –Oh mighty lion, what about all the people? You are not their king.

The lion stood quietly. –Then make me a big and strong man! 

– So you want to work and have big responsibilities all day,every day? – the smiling cat seemed very amused as she was floating around the man’s head.

-But that sounds so boring,cat. I just wanna be a little girl again.

The cat smiled. 

-Of course darling, you can be whoever you wanna be.




Once upon a time there was a little mouse who was in love with a beautiful red rose.

Her beauty and grace were nothing like anything he had seen before, so he would spend hours by just looking at her gentle leaves and wishing he could just hold her, even for a second. He was madly in love, but even so, he never had the courage to come any closer to her. He thought he didn’t stand a chance with such a perfection.

The rose however, burned from desire to meet the little mouse. She could always feel his stare on her back and every time she caught a glimpse of his eyes, she could tell they were so sweet and filled with love and honesty. The rose felt as nothing and nobody could harm her when he was around.

They were both crazy for each other. Their love was so pure and unlike anything else in the world.

But one day the little mouse didn’t find his red rose. The spot where she stood so still and gracefully before was empty. She was gone.Two big watery drops stumbled down the mouse’s face and fell down on the ground. His heart was broken into million pieces and the love he felt for his lost rose was now stronger than ever before. In fact, it was so strong that his little heart couldn’t handle the tragedy. The mouse didn’t live to see another sunset.

Months later, two flowers appeared from the ground on the same spot where the teardrops fell. They grew into two red beauties, who lived on to tell the story of the little mouse who loved a red rose.




-Hey, you up for some shots ?


The music was too loud. All around me there were people dancing and drinking while my world was spinning around way too fast. I could barely stand on my feet.

How many did I have?! 3,10,17?! 

Apparently I lost count after the fifth tequila.

-What did you say ?!

In front of me there was some random guy giving me more drinks.He sure was handsome, but where the fuck is my boyfriend?!

– I have some weed too sexy,if you’re interested.

-Fuck off. -I turned around rushing to get away from all the drunk men trying to get in my pants.

Where the fuck is he ?!

Last thing I remember was entering the club and getting that first drink from the bar when he said he was going to the toilets.

Ah the toilets!

Were they left of right? Left.

Trying too hard not to fall down,I somehow made it to what I thought was the bathroom door.

But there were no sinks or mirrors or whatever a toilet should have. Only two guys doing coke who smiled at the sight of a very drunk girl dressed in the shortest dress possible.

This won’t end well.

The door behind me closed. 



Liebster Award

Liebster Award

First of all, I want to thank Life with Libby for this nomination and say how extremely flattered I am to know that someone actually likes my work. I’ve never heard of the Liebster Award before, and I must say that I truly like the concept of it,especially because it’s very hard to be noticed on here when there are so many just as (and more) talented writers.

There are,of course, a couple of rules:

  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • List 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the questions given to you by the nominator.
  • Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
  • Create 11 questions for the nominees.
  • Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.


11 Random Facts about myself :

  1. My favourite city in the world is London.
  2. I absolutely love giraffes.
  3. I find astrology very very interesting. (i’m an aquarius btw )
  4. I love The Simpsons.
  5. I come from a tiny little country in Europe called Macedonia.My mother tongue is Macedonian and I am fluent in English and German.
  6. I love horror films.
  7. I’ve been (VERY randomly) on the cover of a newspaper
  8. My biggest dream is to travel the world.
  9. The thing I hate the most is having to get up early.
  10. I never leave my house without my phone and earphones.


Libby asked :

1.What made you want to start blogging?

Um,probably the same reasons as the majority of people : to share my stories with the world. And because it really does feel nice to have someone interested in what you write.

2.What is your guilty pleasure?


3.What was the last lie you told?

Hmm,this is a rather tricky one. I always prefer being honest to lying,no matter how painful the truth may be..but I guess we all tell some little lies every now and then. I can’t really think of my last one  though:/

4.What is your favorite book and why?

Harry Potter,because there has never been and never will be a more brilliantly written story.

5.If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go?    


6.What is your passion?

Reading books. There is definitely nothing I enjoy more than losing myself in the pages of a good book.

7.Where do you go to relax ?

Usually to some cafe with my best friends.

8.What is the weirdest thing that happened to you this week?

A random,weird-looking guy came to me in the bus and asked if I knew where he could find somebody to teach him Japanese. I don’t particularly look like someone interested in Japanese so I don’t know why he thought I could know.It was quite weird hah.

9.What do you think is the biggest problem with society today?

There is too much ignorance, too much prejudice and too little tolerance.

10.What is the last text you received?

Mum asking me to buy some bread on my way home.

11.If there is one thing you could change about the world what would it be?

Would make all the spiders disappear.


Here are my questions :

  1. If you had a superpower,what would it be ?
  2. What is your favourite band ?
  3. How would you describe yourself in only 3 words ?
  4. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
  5. Where have you always wanted to travel?
  6. What is the first thing you notice about people ?
  7. What is your dream career ?
  8. Who is your role-model ?
  9.  If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
  10. Top three books ?
  11. If you could meet a fictional character, who would it be and why?


I nominate :

  1. Just a Glimpse
  3. rathermundane








Amy was a pretty girl.

Not in a ”gorgeous,jaw-dropping” kind of way though,but there was rather something unique about her.

Maybe it was her beautiful,dazzling smile that made people feel special around her.
Or maybe her little sapphire eyes that were like two puddles of water-so clear you could see into her soul.

Amy was a popular girl.
She lived in a huge house,that looked more like a mansion,with the most spectacularly beautiful garden ever seen.
Living the life of a princess,many would assume her to be arrogant and self-centered,but the truth was far from it. There has never been a girl as loving and caring as Amy.
She had many friends therefore,friends that loved and were ready to die for her.

By having it all – looks,brains and wealth,there was not a person alive that didn’t predict her a bright future.

Amy was only 16 when she went missing.



-What do you mean you’re in jail ?!

I heard my mum’s high-pitched voice coming from the kitchen.

-How on Earth should I find that much money in 2 hours ?! You’re insane.

She slammed the phone down loudly and started swearing.

-What did he do now ?- I asked as if we were talking about the weather and not my little brother being in jail.

-Ah god knows what. Alcohol,drugs,whores.. Frankly, I didn’t even dare ask. That little brat is going to be the death of me.

I wasn’t very surprised by her indifferent tone and calm behaviour as she was lighting another cigarette and looking for the bottle of whiskey. Her lack of interest in her own children never failed to amuse me.

-So you’re gonna go and get him,right ?

-Ah,but darling I have a meeting with Roger in half an hour and you know how important that might be for my promotion.-she put some red lipstick on her full lips and it seemed like she had already forgotten that tiny,little detail about Daniel being arrested. -And besides,I couldn’t possibly find the money for the bail in such short notice.He’ll be fine,it’s just one night in the prison for fuck’s sake.It’ll teach him a good lesson.

After she had done her make up she blew me an air kiss and walked out of the door.

Unbelievable. Though,nothing could amaze me in this family anymore.With a constantly drunk father, mother whore and a brother criminal, I often wondered how did I turn up to be normal.

After I made sure all my credit cards were in place,I fetched the car keys and set off to,once again, rescue my little brother.



“So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

There is not a view as magnificent as the one of a vicious dragon celebrating its victory over the weaker.

The dragon was standing all tall and gracious in the centre of a burning circle.Surrounded by big flames,he seemed  genuinely proud of those hot,red snakes that were turning everything into dust.

You could tell he enjoyed that glorious scenery he had caused,completely unaffected by the tiny screams of the animals around him.

It was the most monstrously beautiful dragon that the world has ever seen.He had a huge,yet elegant body covered with plate-like scales that were the colour of lavander.His long,thick tail had sharp,bladelike extensions on both sides and he had a few of them on his head as well.There were still little sparks of fire coming out of his black nostrils,but nothing on him was as scary as his little,almond-shaped eyes that looked so empty and cold as ice.

He was truly a ferocious creature.

All of a sudden,he sensed some disturbance in the air,so he open spread his huge,but graceful and purple wings that made him look almost ethereal.

The sky went all grey and in the very next moment million raindrops started falling down heavily.

The dragon gave one last furious roar and flew high in the sky, leaving nothing but ashes behind.


-You wanna know a secret ?

He knew exactly how to draw her attention.

The girl was so young that he could easily be confused for her dad. With his big,black beard and gray hair,he didn’t look attractive at all,which made him question himself quite often why did girls like her fall for his lies.

-You don’t? That’s alright.Girls as pretty as you should be cautious.-He smiled.

-I shouldn’t talk to strangers.- She finally spoke,but he could sense her curiosity.

It’s gonna be easy with this one.He heard his wicked mind say.

-Oh,but that only applies to strangers who want to hurt you.I just want to talk,that’s all.- He gave her one of his sweet,innocent smiles and noticed a bit of a relief on her face.- ”You can trust me.I could never,not in a million years,do harm to such a sweet girl.”

She blushed.


So,what’s the big secret all about ?-she now started acting all cool,which was typical for girls her age.

-Oh,I will tell you.Just gotta make sure no one can hear us.-he said as he took her hand leading her to a darker place.

She followed him slowly,unaware of the wickedness of the monster in front of her.